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Euston & Kings Cross Outreach

We are reaching out to the homeless in Euston and Kings Cross

Refuge Network volunteers operate in the vicinity of Euston and St Pancras Stations. During the Coronavirus Christmas season, we had a major outreach in the neighbourhood, distributing presents to the homeless. Our volunteers were given access to a tent camp in the area, and have been able to give food packs, socks, hand sanitisers, masks, deodorants, hats, gloves, toiletries, food, etc. We are signposting service users to relevant services and providing emotional support.

Our Impact

Places where we have ongoing projects or have carried out humanitarian operations

International representation of our volunteers. Our volunteer programme has attracted dedicated workers representing over 25 nations across the planet.

Amount of food (including light meals) we are distributing monthly in London during the pandemic. We are also giving out clothes, shoes, sleeping bags, socks, face masks, hand sanitisers, and other essentials.

Number of individual gift items given to the homeless and impoverished individuals in London during the pandemic Christmas and New Year celebrations was over 1000.

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© 2015-2023. Refuge Network International.


Refuge Network UK | 7 Bell Yard | London WC2A 2JR| United Kingdom

Refuge Network International | Office 7 | St Vincent House | 30 Orange Street | London WC2H 7HH | United Kingdom

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