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No Poverty Campaign (NPC) is an Africa-wide poverty alleviation initiative focussed on equipping vulnerable individuals and empowering marginalised communities to survive and thrive. We exist to campaign against poverty, especially the pervasive extreme kind of poverty that is prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa, which inhibits access to basic food, shelter, clothing, education, and healthcare.

Child Learning Numbers at School

27 of the 28 poorest nations on earth are in Sub-Saharan Africa  

40% of people living in extreme poverty worldwide would be in Nigeria and DRC Congo by 2050, and Africa could be home to 90% of the global poor by 2030

239 million people are hungry in Sub-saharan Africa, and hunger accounts for over 50% of all child deaths in Africa

203 million people over the age of 15 years who are illiterate are in sub- Saharan Africa

About No Poverty Campaign 

No Poverty Campaign is a people empowerment NGO. We exist to campaign for the eradication of poverty across the African continent via:


  • Sensitization programmes to promote the health and well being of individuals living in poor and rural communities. 


  • Creation of skills acquisition and business development programmes to empower economically disadvantaged people. 


  • Provision of educational opportunities to disadvantaged individuals and groups with a view to boosting literacy levels and enhancing life prospects. 


  • Provision of support (such as counselling, food, and relief materials) to the homeless and destitute.

  • Consultation and advisory services on matters relating to poverty and socio-economic rights.

  • Promotion of socio-economic rights related projects, programmes, and activities in different ways using various media, and supporting victims (individuals/communities) of socioeconomic rights violations.


Upcoming Projects 

Our Sub-Saharan African Programme: Register To Volunteer Next Summer In West Africa​

As part of our right to education programme in Sub-Saharan Africa, Refuge Network International (RNI) will be launching a human capacity development project next year at the RNI Youth Development and Leadership Festival, during which a thousand young persons from deprived backgrounds will receive training and mentoring from our teams of local and International volunteers. Please get in touch to register your interest if you would love to volunteer on this project scheduled for next Summer in West Africa.



You can help! We have answered the questions of how you can help with two simple words, Giving and Going. You can give to any of our projects or  volunteer to go work on a project with RNI.


لا توجد منشورات بهذه اللغة حتى الآن

No Poverty Campaign is registered as a charitable foundation in Nigeria: Reg no1334213

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Refuge Network UK | 7 Bell Yard | London WC2A 2JR| United Kingdom

Refuge Network International | Office 7 | St Vincent House | 30 Orange Street | London WC2H 7HH | United Kingdom

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